Late with the Argentina Trip Lowdown
But Evita is huge still. We spoke to half a dozen taxi drivers about her and they all love Evita dearly still. Wealthier people do not. The famous story about her is she would go to a _________ factory owner (bicycle, mattress, camera etc.) and say, "Give me 1000 __________s or I'm closing you down." Then she'd give the _________s to poor people. She'd also send every poor family a bicycle at Christmas. There is a city she started for children called Ciudad Evita. The promotional video we saw about it at Museo Evita made it seem like every child's dream. Yes it was propaganda but I think she and her husband also did a lot of really radical things for poor people.
Outside El Drugstore is this awesome old car which they use as a planter. There were quite a few old cars around town, a la Cuba. Some were in great shape like this pretty red one:
Okay I have to wrap this up. A few more things. We went to a locals only place near our hotel because I liked their sign. It turned out to be Ingrid's favorite place we ate. Rodi Bar. We went back there for our last lunch. The first time we went, there was a HUGE ASS hail storm.
Dad had this fish and potatoes thing that he loved too. Oh the wine in Argentina- you can buy the cheapest one (which is about a dollar a glass) and it's so good. You can buy the most expensive bottle on the menu and it's twenty bucks and out of this world. (This from a person who doesn't know shit about wine, but I know their wine is the best I've had.)
We went to the Modern Museum there (the MALBA) but it was closed, so we had lunch at their cafe. So good. I forget what we had but it's like a fancy museum restaurant in the States but much cheaper. Here's Ingrid and me there. We went back to see the art later and saw a Lichtenstein show. At another museum we saw an intense Diego Rivera exhibit.
There is a subway line that is these old old cars from the 1930s. Here's cute Mag on one of them. They even have the old ads they used to have.
Okay I have to stop this. It's getting tedious. But I'll put some more pictures up without commentary. The main point of this posting is
I love Argentina. I love it love it love it.