New Restaurant With Buzz- Is it worth it?
Last week, Dad and Ingrid took Mag and me to Maremma, a new place in the West Village. The chef is a friend of the family so I think we got good treatment or whatever, but I don't think the restaurant is all that. It was good, and spacious. But the pasta Mag and I split (called Moonshine because it had bourbon in the sauce I guess) was really just fair to middling. Also the salad was bitter and hardly dressed. What was good was something in the appetizer part of the meal but it mustn't have been that good because I forget. Something about bean salad? Next time I'll write the review sooner so the important nouns/adjectives etc. come quicker to mind.
One good part was Ingrid asked to ride my bike on the way there. She hadn't been on a bike in years. I was nervous she'd bail but she did great and rode from 6th Ave to the restaurant without incident.
Dad and I found it really funny.
Here's a cute series of Dad and Mag. Dad often opens his mouth when you take a picture of him, or maybe just when food is around. He also says, "Ta DA" whenever a flash goes off.
your dad has cool hair
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